in cooperation with
March 22 - 27, 2009
Doubletree Hotel San Diego-Mission Valley
San Diego, CA
General Chair
Gabriel A. Wainer
Carleton University,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Vice General Chair
Cliff Shaffer,
Virginia Tech
Program Chair
Michael J. Chinni US ARMY -
Tutorial Chair
Prof. Axel Lehmann
Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen
Poster Chair
Abdolreza Abhari
Ryerson University, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Awards Chair
Maurice J. Ades
Westinghouse Savannah River Company, USA
Exhibits &
Publicity Chair
David Long
Sponsored by
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
P.O. Box 17900
San Diego, CA 92177-7900
Tel: 858-277-3888
Fax: 858-277-3930
E-mail: scs@scs.org
in collaboration with
Call for Papers
High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2009)
of the 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim'09)
Sponsored by:
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)
March 22 - 27, 2009
Doubletree Hotel San Diego-Mission Valley
San Diego, CA
The 2009 Spring Simulation Multiconference
will feature High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2009).
This will be the 17th special symposium devoted to
the impact of high performance computing and communications on
computer simulations.
Advances in networking, high-end computers, large data stores, and
middleware capabilities are ushering in a new era of high-performance
parallel and distributed simulations. Along with these new capabilities
come new challenges in computing and system modeling. The goal of HPC 2008
is to encourage innovation in high performance computing and communication
technologies and to promote synergistic advances in modeling methodologies and
simulation. It will promote the exchange of ideas and information
between universities, industry, and national laboratories about new
developments in system modeling, high performance computing and communication,
and scientific computing and simulation. Topics of interest include
High Performance/Large Scale Simulation
High Performance Applications and Case Studies
Distributed and Grid Computing
Asynchronous numerical methods.
Visualization and Data Management
Advanced Simulation Frameworks
Problem Solving Environments
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures
High Performance Software Tools
Tools and Environments for Coupling Parallel Codes
Component Technologies for High Performance Computing
The symposium proceedings will be published through the ACM on CD-ROM
and in the ACM Digital Library.
For more information regarding HPC 2009 please visit the symposium web page:
Key Dates
Abstract / Full Paper Submission due |
3 Nov 2008 |
Submit technical articles and experience reports, properly formatted in accordance
with these guidelines. |
Notification |
13 Dec 2008 |
The program committee will review the papers and
determine which ones will be accepted. |
Final Paper due |
11 Jan 2009 |
The final version of accepted papers, incorporating changes based on
reviewer comments, are due by this date. |
Abstracts and papers should be submitted to the
SCS Conference Proceedings
Management System.
HPC 2009 Chairs